Poppins is a spirited and standout font that takes its inspiration from handwriting. It's sure to grab your reader's attention, especially in short paragraphs.
Poppins is a spirited and standout font that takes its inspiration from handwriting. It's sure to grab your reader's attention, especially in short paragraphs.
Poppins is a spirited and standout font that takes its inspiration from handwriting. It's sure to grab your reader's attention, especially in short paragraphs.
Poppins is a spirited and standout font that takes its inspiration from handwriting. It's sure to grab your reader's attention, especially in short paragraphs.
Wastewater Treatment Projects
Big Lake WWTF Improvements
December 2020
Contract Price
Date Completed
The WWTF was operating near capacity which required an expansion. A new concrete oxidation ditch was constructed. The ditch included installation of oxidation rotors as well as new chemical feed lines that were tied into the existing feed system. An older generator was removed and electrical upgrades were completed to add the new equipment and tie everything into a single backup power supply on site. A rotary drum screen was also replaced in the headworks building.
Blaine Lift Stations
Pioneer Engineering
Contract Price
Date Completed
A total of five sewage lift stations for the city of Blaine varying from 10' x 10' square to 14' x 14' square inside dimension. All were 50' deep and sunk utilizing a caisson method of construction.
Clear Lake-Clearwater Sewer Authority WWTP Improvements
December 2014
Contract Price
Date Completed
The project's main objective was to create a new pond dewatering system to handle their sludge. A new pond was drug, liner installed and sand placed on top for drainage. The new dewatering system consists of four dewatering bags. These bags are to hold the sludge while letting the water drain back out. The pond is large enough for expansion for up to as many as 24 bags. An upgraded control system, site piping, a new polymer system and work in the pretreatment building were also a part of this project.
Blaine Lift Stations #'s 8, 12 & 13
City of Blaine
November 2016
Contract Price
Date Completed
Lift station Number 8 was a replacement of the existing pumps and cover with the addition of a third pump, new vault, bypass manhole and new controls. This station handles the flow from the AVEDA shampoo complex and other surrounding businesses. Lift Stations number 12 & 13 received new natural gas generators and new controls.
Monticello Sludge Dewatering Facility
December 2019
Contract Price
Date Completed
This project was to add a screw press to the current treatment processes at the facility. A new multi story masonry building with poured concrete decks was constructed over an existing concrete tank to create the new treatment building. The existing tank served as the constructed over an existing concrete tank to create the new treatment building. The existing tank served as the basement where the sludge pumps and associated piping were installed. The main level included a polymer feed system, electrical gear, and a dumpster bay with guide rails and a winch system. The upper level featured a Huber screw press with room to add a second one in the future. There is also an overhead bridge crane for maintenance of the press.